Spring 2012

Strands of Our DNA

Shaping and molding who we are today

Who are we?

What makes us the Evangelical Free Church of America and not some other global denomination? What’s our unique DNA, the essence of what makes us us?

Take a look at the EFCA Statement of Faith, and you’ll get one sense of the ethos of this movement. But the essence is even more than our doctrinal distinctives.

Watch ministries in action, and you’ll see the flesh-and-blood of that ethos in living color before you. You’ll also meet the thoughtful, articulate, passionate, and courageous men and women who lead our churches and ministries.

Talk to any three of those leaders, and you might hear three different reasons why each of them is here. But broaden the conversation a bit. Talk with five or more fellow leaders, and you’ll begin to see the trends, to pick up the ethos of this movement that has compelled each to toss his or her hat into the ring and declare, “I’m in it for the long haul.”

In this issue, we explore the leaders, the doctrines and the cultures that have shaped who the EFCA is today, and we look forward to our shared future.

Strands of Our DNA

What makes us the Evangelical Free Church of America and not some other global denomination? What’s our unique DNA, the essence of what makes us us?

Take a look at the EFCA Statement of Faith, and you’ll get one sense of the ethos of this movement. But the essence is even more than our doctrinal distinctives.

Watch ministries in action, and you’ll see the flesh-and-blood of that ethos in living color before you. You’ll also meet the thoughtful, articulate, passionate, and courageous men and women who lead our churches and ministries.

Talk to any three of those leaders, and you might hear three different reasons why each of them is here. But broaden the conversation a bit. Talk with five or more fellow leaders, and you’ll begin to see the trends, to pick up the ethos of this movement that has compelled each to toss his or her hat into the ring and declare, “I’m in it for the long haul.”

In this issue, we explore the leaders, the doctrines and the cultures that have shaped who the EFCA is today, and we look forward to our shared future.